2012 already? Some drawings in the store…

Well, helloo there, poor neglected blog.

Apologies for the lack of updates recently, the blame lies totally with an addictive iPhone app called instagram. I’ve never been one for words so having something that’s picture based is a godsend! If you haven’t got an iPhone then you can follow my feed (assuming you have any interest in it!) here

As for recent activity, I’ve just finished and shipped the new work for the show at CAVE Gallery in LA next month. Massively stoked about this one, I’m really happy with the work which is unusual – I think it marks a real step forward so hopefully folks will like it. I’ll update the blog with some teaser images a little closer to the show.

And when I’ve not been painting, i’ve been filling a couple of Moleskines with doodles, drawings and ideas for another day. Again, terribly addictive. I’ve really enjoyed just letting the pencil find it’s own way rather than fretting over colour and composition. I think in the context of a sketchbook pretty much anything goes, so it make s a refreshing change and is very motivational too.

Having just finished my second Moleskine, I’ve taken the opportunity to make 4 of the most recent drawings available through my Big Cartel Store Pics below, but hopefully a great way to get hold of some original artwork at a reasonable price!


One response to “2012 already? Some drawings in the store…

  1. absolutely jawdropping!

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